Rabu, 31 Desember 2014

Goodbye 2014. Welcome 2015^^

2014 is over tonight guyyss woohoo it's such a great year. From Holiwater Festival in the beginning of the year until the 5th semester final exam hey hey. Well, just like the other year, i always try to make some evaluation of the year then make the new resolution for the next year.

Some accomplishment in 2014 that i got, probably so many, that i forgot a little, but maybe, these are some best achievment (?) that i did

1. Become cuter

Well, it doesnt mean that i'm kinda narcism lol lol lol but i must admit that i've changed a lot on my appearance. I straightened my hair and also did some facial treatments everynight. Using toner from Aunt Yeny which very irritating urgh but i'm pretty satisfied he heh

So, i've changed.,
From this:

To this:

I'm on the right wearing black seifuku anyway xP

Hahahah i got that high self confidence lol

2. Saved money

Seriously i'm sooo proud of my self for this. My income every month is not big, but i tried and tired and tried to save a little bucks in the end of the month. And today, i've added 1 digit of my savings on my account :)

3. Made 2 armored costume

Saber from Fate/Stay Night and Sinon from Sword Art Online season 2. My boyfriend helped me actually haha

I'm on the left :D

Sadly. I haven't done photo-shoot for my Sinon costume yet :(


Only 3? no, actually there are many more, but i think the four things above is appropriate to share hehe

I have also done so many epic failed in 2014. Maybe much more than the accomplishment. I dont really like to write them down in here actually, but i think the worst thing about 2014 is that i lost some people that i've ever loved.


Now it's time to make the new resolution. I't's a good thing you know. You have to make goals in your life rite?

Here are my resolutions for 2015:

1. Raise my GPA
2. Support my bebebz until he graduate from college and get a job (aamiin)
3. Go Kuliah Kerja Nyata 2015 outside java island
4. Pass the Operasi Teknik Kimia test
5. Doing well my research
6. BEING ABLE TO DRIVE A CAR (harus harus harus)
7. Climb a mountain
8. Travelling to some great place in Indonesia
9. Saved money twice higher in the end of the year
10. Practice my guitar skill

etc etc etc. males mikiiir. gotta add more tomorrow x3

Kamis, 23 Januari 2014


Waktu itu kalo gak salah gue SMA kelas 3, atau pas ronin ya, entahlah gue lupa. Di suatu malam yang syahdu, gue ceritanya pergi ke minimarket lalu iseng beli kopi dari mesin kopi yang ada di situ. 
Ada 4 rasa kalo gue ga salah.. Capucino, moccacino, espresso, dan satunya gue lupa.
Kalo mocca sama capucino mah udah pasaran lah yaa hihii yaudah gue iseng tuh nyobain espresso
Gue ambil gelas kertas, trus gue taruh di bawah lobang kopinya, habis itu gue pijit dah tuh tombol espresso.
cuuuurrrr..... curr.. cuu.. cur.. .....
loh.. loh.. kok udah berhenti? Lha, masih seperempat gelas lho. Dafuq?! Ini mesinnya rusah apa begimanaa?~ 
Gue guncangin itu mesin, gue intipin lobangnya dari bawah,, dan hampir aja gue mau lapor mas penjaganya, sampai gue lihat tulisan samar di pojok mesinnya:

"Takaran espresso hanya seperempat gelas (Standar internasional)"

Seriously?! Kampret, seiprit bangeeett!! hiks hiks mana harganya sama kayak kopi-kopi lainnya. Tapi yaudah, biar ga malu-maluin banget, gue bayar aja dah tuh kopi. Huhuhuu give me back my money! And you know what, gue baru tau detik itu ternyata espresso itu kopi yang sangaaaat pait. Gue sampe muncratin karena ga tahan, untung udah di luar toko tapinya hihii. Pait banget, kalo yang ga biasa ngopi pasti bakal muntahin.

Dan kemudian gue berpikir, hmm mungkin ini sebabnya takaran espresso emang cuman dikit, kalo sama kayak kopi lain, justru engga sehat, karena kandungan kafeinnya emang pekat banget.

But.. hei .. enak juga x9

Harus gue akui, kini espresso jadi salah satu kopi favorit gue. Apalagi nih, kalo lagi banyak pikiran, ato tugas bejibun, minum kopi ini langsung seger hihi
Kopi, apapun jenisnya, pasti pahit. Entah itu capucino, ataupun kopi susu. Walau sedikit, pasti ada rasa pahitnya. Kalo ga pahit ya jelas bukan kopi namanya.
Sama seperti hidup. Hidup itu pasti ada pahitnya, entah sedikit atau banyak, tergantung tingkat kekhlasan hati aja sih. Kadang, ada orang yang menganggap kopi hitam itu pahit, tapi ada juga yang menganggap biasa aja, mungkin karena udah biasa. Udah terbiasa, udah ikhlas. Ya, seperti itu pulalah hidup

That's why kini setelah gue menjadi mahasiswa, harus gue akui gue pun menjadi seorang pecinta kopi. I know kebanyakan emang ga sehat, hihi, tapi gimana, suka sih^^